Christmas Grading 2023

We had our Christmas grading on Saturday the 2nd of December. Lots of belts were given out below are the details in reverse grade order.

Eric Blue, he’s been training for a while, and his happy enthusiasm and focused training is great to see and he has progressed amazingly.

He is smart and tough and he has been chasing blue belts down for a while now. Well done Christian on your blue!

Francesko “Frank”, “Franky” or “Franny” :) blue, this guy is fearless and a sponge, he picks everything up and just loves to roll

He’s grumpy, he’s old, he hurts sometimes (so he keeps saying), but we judge on actions, not words. He trains between classes, he goes to seminars and he is passionate and he has gone from strength. Well done to Owen on his blue belt.

If Wes Anderson did BJJ… :) AJ has been with us for 5 years and he understands consistency and his BJJ improv skills are matching up to his comedy skills. He is always a pain to roll with and brings positivity and optimism whenever he is in class. Well done AJ on your purple belt

He battles through hurdles and comes out on top (just not in this picture taken during his shark tank :) ) he shows the power of consistency and a strong mind and although he is hard on himself we all know the truth and he is a true warrior. Well done on your purple belt Adam!

He is our gentle giant (on the right :) ) he is tough and calculated and trains hard, he is humble and can switch it on when he needs to. A sigh of relief was taken when he finally got his purple belt, well done Osman!

He obviously knew we would use this picture :)

He brings enthusiasm and energy to every class he trains in or teaches, he is fast, strong and technical. Well done on your Brown James!

One of our first female brown belts, she is a machine and trains hard and also teaches our female classes. She has been with us from the start and has shown what determination can do to overcome challenges and keep moving forward. Well done Mel on your Brown Belt!

She came from Canada and dropped in and has shown us the spirit she has, she is friendly, competitive and has clicked right in with her great jiu jitsu and the effort and skill she puts in is great to see. Well done Colleen on your brown belt!

Finally we have our second Wave black belt Jamie. He has been training hard forever and is a master of stripping Jiu Jitsu down to it’s basics and discarding the excess (including in his words as you can see in the speech below :) ), he is helpful, he can beat anyone on his day and is passionate about this beautiful art. We are proud to have a second black belt and we look forward to many more from the great people we have at Wave. Well done Jamie on your black belt!

There’s another grading wrap up, we have a few more belts and stripes to give. We just want to say thanks again for believing in our team and our philosophy of openness and friendliness. We look forward to the future and growing further and passing on our passion for BJJ and life. Thanks for reading this and we look forward to meeting you if we haven’t already.


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